Ariel has been one of the most consistently supportive, caring and flexible entities I have ever worked with. Someone there has a knack for hiring good people. Everyone we have ever come into contact with at Ariel has been a pleasure to work with. Foster care is extremely difficult and Ariel makes it bearable and enjoyable. The case managers we have had have never refused us anything, unless they’re schedule didn’t allow it. The fact that you are transporting my foster child every week, attending meetings, etc. has meant a lot to me. I would not have lasted this long in foster care without Ariel
I was a teen in foster care! Thankfully my foster parents opened their hearts and home to me! I was an emergency case, almost a runaway I had dreams of running away to New York. Instead I became an NCO in the Army, and now have a wonderful family of my own!
Ariel has been a great support for daughter and also for us as caregivers. We have received services for over 15 years in various ways but always with consistency, care and professionalism. My daughter has had many opportunities to participate in, community access, engagement with others and with a staff that is consistent, caring and encouraging. As parents/caregivers, we have received continued support navigating services, continued education to help support my daughter and encouragement to create goals for her, such as exercise and this year our goal is to have her participate in creating meals. We feel very supported and as parents/caregivers, it is comforting to know that Ariel is there looking out for what is best for all of us
Ariel does such a great job finding the right fit between the host home providers and the individuals receiving services. There is such diversity and Ariel really takes their job seriously making sure everyone’s needs are met.