Children who enter into the foster care system have been removed from their home due to abuse and/or neglect. They may need support around trauma, emotional, behavioral, and/or mental health.
Ariel offers several foster care licenses which include:
- Traditional Foster Care— Foster Homes that serve as a support system for any child/youth in care. These children/youth could be in care for a few days, a few months, or in need of a permanent home.
- Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) — TFC is a special form of foster care that provides a higher level of support for children/youth experiencing emotional, behavioral, and/or mental health needs. These children/youth often experienced a significant amount of trauma and hardships that lead to needing extra care.
- Treatment Foster Care (Tx-FC)– Tx-FC is a higher level of foster care that uses foster parents who are given advanced training and support in order to best serve children/youth with significant needs. Tx-FC is guided by measurable treatment goals to support the child/youth needs. This setting is typically for one foster child/youth in the home at a time.
- Licensed Kinship Care— Unlike traditional foster care, where a child/youth is placed with a licensed caregiver, who is usually a stranger, Kinship caregiver are typically familiar with the child/youth. This could be a biological or psychological family member. Ariel provides support to kinship caregivers who are both certified licensed kin and non-certified kin.
- Licensed Respite Foster Home– Respite homes provider short term relief for both licensed foster homes and kinship homes.
Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP) – CHRP Foster Homes provides a certified foster home that supports children/youth who have intellectual or developmental disabilities. CHRP FC providers receive additional training and support to meet the needs of children/youth with IDD. - Group Centers – A staffed home that provides care 24/7/365. They provide a transitional home for children/youth that have stepped down from a higher level of care or are not ready to be in a foster care home setting.
All of our foster homes and group centers work to ensure that children/youth remain connected to their community, peers, and birth families.